Select a date in each of the controls and notice the difference in the events that fire. Depending on your timezone and browser, UTCDateBox may report a time other than midnight in your timezone and in timezones west of Greenwich, a different date. However, this will be midnight in UTC.

Note: You will see two events fire, one for noon and another for midnight. This is a side-affect of the dateformat specified and the way the standard GWT DateBox.DateBoxHandler.onClose is implemented. The first event will fire for noon and the second event for midnight.

Note: These demos use the "en" locale with default date/time formats, but other locales and formats can be specified.

UTCDateBox Demo

DateBox (

UTCDateBox (com.tractionsoftware.gwt.user.client.ui.UTCDateBox)

DateBox and UTCDateBox ValueChangeEvents (most recent on top)